University of Karachi

Description (1)

Date: 00/00/00

Urdu Daan has been designed for the windows platform. Some of the major problems that we faced are as follows:
One of the most important differences that you have to note when it comes to Urdu is that it is most
unnatural of the way in which we had to handle everythng on the screen and in the Buffer as well as in the Filing. The relative ease with which everythng can be handled in English is astonishing compared to the painstaking details which we had to spend days on trying to figure out what to do or constructing Algos. There are several reasons for that:

  • Firstly there is a general and easier approach to data storage and retreival which facilitates the English. Take for example the Buffer where we have data storage progressing from left to right. One of the major problems at the beginning was that how were we supposed to handle the buffer which was by default from left to right. We had to store data in such a way that the data was stored in its default manner but retreived in a manner which was totally unnatural. That is from right to left. So that the characters displayed on the screen were in their natural Urdu form. Then there was filing which had its own problems. We did not want the size of the files to be too large. You would see as i have mentioned in the documentation that we have taken care of that and ensured that the files stay small.
  • Secondly consider the problems which we had to face in painting the screen. We had to totally deviate from the regular way in which text output is done that is from left to right. Consider for example the API TextOut( ). It needed a string in which data was to be written in the regular format that is from left to right.
  • Thirdly We were facing Variable width fonts. This means that there was no way of knowing exactly where to place our Caret before the user pressing the key. In Fixed width life becomes a lot simpler because the programmer knows exactly that how many characters can be input in one line.                                                         

Time: 00:00

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