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Description (2)

There is a one to one correspodence between the Buffer and the Screen. Suppose if the user types one word the Buffer can increment by one place and the Screen Caret can increment by a specific fixed width say 10 pixels. Thus if there are 320 pixels only 32 characters can come in one line. Thus the programmer exactly knows how much he has to advance the Caret before the user even types the letter. Plus he also knows the exact number of Characters that will come in one line. The programmer can easily construct a 2-d Buffer which is in exact correspondence with the screen. Where one storage location represents 10-pixels Character on the screen. This makes scrolling easier since the Buffer can exactly advance by 32 storage units. Consider it and match it with our problems. You can see why we did not find enough time to complete the scrolling. We faced grave problems in Buffer construction for our buffer could not be a one to one correspondence with the screen. There was no way of knowing the Buffer width.

  • More over the latest addition to our program was the multiple fonts and colour selection. It enables you to load any font and type with it just like Microsoft Word our software enables you not only to load any Urdu Font but also English Fonts.
  • Plus the printing option. And the Filing where we had to painstakingly design all the complex algos and then do the implementation.
To get a better understanding you can download some of the most interesting documentation regarding the creation, processing and data storage of True Type Fonts!

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